Thursday, November 20, 2008

Investing in Mom

I came across a blog post today that made me think about how important it is for moms to invest in themselves as much as we invest in our children. OhMommy at Classy Chaos is having an awesome giveaway that I really could use. She is giving away some awesome boots. They are the $220 "Sexy snowbunny" boots from YOU by crocs. If you can use a pair, get over there and leave a comment. I'm getting these babies, but you can try!

I'm one of those moms that had children and seemed to have lost myself somewhere during the way. I'm one of those moms that I always hated. You know the ones that were skinny and cute, well-dressed and always groomed BEFORE they had kids. almost 9 years after becoming a mom, I look in the mirror and ask myself, who is this chick?

I never wanted to be one of those frumpy looking women that wear t-shirts or jeans and sweat pants all the time. And I'm really not, at heart anyway. But it seems the older the kids get, the more they need, and the less there is for me.

Less time. Less money. Less everything.

I'm not one of those glamorous moms that I sometimes secretly envy who seem to have it all together. You know the ones that ALWAYS have their hair done. ALWAYS have their makeup flawless and ALWAYS dress like they were cut out of a Vanity Fair magazine.

In fact, I've lost that "glamorous" side of myself that I so know is somewhere in there.

As a mom, I wear sneakers more often than I care to admit, simply because they are way more comfortable than those heals in my closet. I so want to be able to wear a nice pair of skinny jeans and a slammin' pair of stilettos. I so wanna find that glamorous inner me!

But in order for this to happen, I have to first start investing in myself. Taking time for me. I've started this road to self improvement. Working out, getting on my treadmill as many times a week as I can. Doing crunches to get rid of this muffin top. Eating less.

I force myself to go to store, mainly Cato, to try on clothes and face my fears. I think they have a trick mirror in there because I really never knew I looked like such a cow until I tried on some clothes in there dressing room. I don't seem to look that bad in my own mirror at home.

And I plan on buying something for me every now and then. Something that will make me feel pretty.

(or at least prettier ;-) )

Investing in yourself is important. Doing things that make you feel good. Every mom needs that special something that gives them a pick me up. Some just for them. Invest in yourself and everyone your entire family is sure to benefit.


La Pixie said...

can you hit up the spa? that always make me feel better...

ooh, I wanna win boots!!

MBB Founder and Editor Denene Millner said...

Damn those store mirrors!
Lip gloss always makes me feel more glamorous. Seriously. It does something to make my skin shine... even when I'm bumming... And a cute hat works, too.

Okay, off to win MY boots... (tee hee!)

Diva Ma @ Mommy Fabulous said...

La Pixie - I have NEVER been to a spa.

MBB - Lip gloss even makes the youngest of girls feel pretty. You just feel like you can shine with it on!

Caffeine Court said...

You are so right, and it doesn't take a million dollars to look great!

I love copying designer looks with less expensive clothes and accessories and I am striving to always do my hair and makeup. I feel better when I'm put together.

Sheri @ said...

so, i have to admit that when i feel stuffed into my jeans, the last thing i want to do is put them on - THEY'RE NOT COMFORTABLE. Then i learned something about myself. The more i walked around in uncomfortable jeans AND FORCED MYSELF TO WEAR THEM. It was this horrible nagging reminder that i had gotten not-so-skinny. and that feeling for 8 hours straight made me think about every bite i put into my mouth at lunch and dinner. I refused to take them off until dinner lest i be forced to feel comfortable enough to stuff ben&Jerry's down my throat while watching grey's anatomy. I did it for a month and lost 10lbs.

I also learned to love drug store make up by trying and returning until i found the ones that worked. I'm hooked on many Revlon things now (i am a reformed chanel and MAC junkie) - but YOU have to find time for yourself and money to buy yourself something (even if it's a bonnie bell lip gloss) every week. yes, every week. swear.

Anonymous said...

VERY good post!! We all need to listen to it;)

Cynthia said...

I have to get into this groove. As I sit here typing in sweats:P I am loving those Crocs!
Hey, thanks for your great advice on my blog:)

Melissa said...

Hmmmm, I think I might just have to win those boots for myself.... Oh, don't worry, Diva...if I do, I will wear them a couple of times and then send them to you!! he-he :)

OHmommy said...

It is so easy for that to happen. Less money, less time. I totally agree. I am just getting back into the groove after 7 years.

Love the blog! Crossing my fingers for you momma!

Vodka Mom said...

very nice I sit here in my sweat pants!! Ha.