Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My Secret

I have a dirty little secret that I have to share because I heard somewhere that if you confess your obsessions they will..... uhhh... go away...???

Or maybe it was the truth shall set you free.

Anywho, I have a confession that I have to make.

For the last few days...........

I have been in a secret love affair.............


Yes it's a game. Yes, it is a DS game that Sir-Talk-A-Lot got for his birthday and NO I haven't let him play it much since I picked it up the second day after he got it.
Look! I was addicted to Sims when I had it on PC 7 years ago. And although this one is more child-like, it has trapped me in their cartoon world.
It's an addiction, is what Sir-Talks-A-Lot likes to say when he catches me trying to secretly play it when they aren't looking.
It's sad, I know, but at least I put it down long enough to write this post!


H.K. said...

The first step in any addiction is to admit you have a problem, but then again if you're gonna have an addicition it might as well be SIMS! (LOL!)

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

I LOVE Sims. We play it on the computer.

Amy McMean said...

my nephew and my brothes girlfriend Love the SIMS. He talks about it all the time. and they play it all the time. said...

I've never played SIMS before but I do like the old Super Nintendo games like Donkey Kong. It's a stress reliever just like I'm sure the SIMS is for you.