Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thankful Thoughts of November... Surviving

I have something special to be thankful about. I'm so giddy about this that I can't believe that it actually took me this long to post about it.

No, I'm not pregnant. In that case I'd be crushed, the opposite if giddy and standing on the top of a building ready to belly flop to my doom! I have decided that 3 is enough. Wouldn't wanna take the spotlight off the other kids, right?

But today and for the last few days, I have been thankful that the doctors have decided that it is time for my dad to come off of chemo. No more treatments! They are amazed with his progression and the fact that after almost 2 years every test has come back clean. Every CAT scan has shown no return of a tumor. Now if you need to catch up and read the entire story you can read it here.
But it's a story worth telling again so I will recap:

2 years ago I got a call from my Grandmother telling me to call my dad because he was in the hospital. My dad NEVER gets sick, so for him, it had to be serious.
When I spoke to him he sounded so small and so afraid as he told me that they'd found 2 masses on his brain. These masses, of course turned out to be two walnut sized tumors. Not just any old tumors, but brain tumors. Not just any brain tumors, but Stage 4
Glioblastoma multiforme brain cancer.

Doing the research, I immediately found that this was quiet absolutely THE worse brain cancer you can get. People just didn't live long with this type of cancer.

He had a great surgeon. One credited with being on of the best in the nation. Awards and all.

When the surgeon came out of the operating room, he simply said that it seemed that he'd gotten it all out and it didn't look good.

That's a lot to take in. Now, I'd done the research, so I wasn't feeling positive, but that made me feel worse.

A few days later, a quickly recovering, now bald, father, saw the follow up doctor. This doctor was just as grim as he gave a NICE KNOWIN' YA. HANG IN THERE. YOU DON'T HAVE LONG prognosis.

Almost two years later, after several cat scans and months of chemo, the doctors are taking him off of the chemo. He is healthy. They are amazed! I am amazed! He is still bald. But he is healthy. For how ever long GOD allows! So the one thing that I am most grateful for is that No Man, No Doctor, and No Science can know what the power of prayer can do!

And for this I am thankful!

Thankful Thoughts

Spacial thanks to Clueless Mama @ Guessing All The Way for giving me the chance to participate in her Thankful Thoughts. Get over there and add your name to her Mr. Linky, snag this great button and get back to your page and tell what you are thankful about! Go, I'm ready to read it!


KCSherri said...

God is good! That is awesome news about your father! You're going to have a Thanksgiving to remember.


Radical Selfie said...

That is WONDERFUL news! I'm happy that your family gets to have your dad around for more love and joy! That is truly the epitome of THe BEST NEWS EVER!! I'm happy for you and your family! said...

I wanted to cry tears of joy reading that! I'm so happy that you have your father as living proof of what God can do. Stage 4 and yet, God healed him. Hugs to your dad!!

Kristin said...

Amen to that! Praise the Lord. It is true that God is the ultimate physician and He definitely has the final say, no matter what anyone else says. Prayer sure is a powerful thing!!

Barbara said...

Great news! May he continue to be strong and healthy.

La'Tonya Richardson said...

Yep, that's a reason to be thankful! I'm sure it makes you wanna SHOUT, throw your hands up and SHOUT!

African American Mom said...

Three cheers for your dad:


I am glad for your family. This is the best time of year for good news!

sheri said...

and this is EXACTLY why i don't get people when they say miracles don't happen and there is no God. God is an awesome God - here is yet more proof, I am so HAPPY for you - have a great Thanksgiving!

Cynthia said...

Wow...what WONDERFUL news! So happy for you and your family:)

Unknown said...

Thanks everyone for all the well wishes!