Monday, July 18, 2011

Giveaway Winner!

I'm feeling great this morning and I'm in a great mood, despite the fact that I woke up earlier than I wanted to.  Hubs decided to get his workout on with music blaring in the living room this morning.  He tried to be respectful and closed the door to the bed room, but the sound of E93 Jamz and the sound of whistles blowing.  I'm think it was coming from his Droid ap, counting out his push-ups.

Today, I opted not to do my morning walk because the boys had a friend sleep over and while I might leave my own for a short time in the morning while they're sleeping, I figure it wouldn't be a great idea to leave someone else's rugrat, sleeping or not.

So instead, I folded 2 weeks of laundry.  Yeah I despise folding laundry!

Oh I know I had to brag on FB, but I didn't get to brag to you all about my accomplishment.  


It's amazing how smart going back to college has made me feel.  I finally feel accomplished, like I'm doing something worthwhile and meaningful.

I'm signing the kiddos up for soccer today.  This will be their first time play this sport, but they are all so excited.  I can't wait to see "The Princess" out there in the heat.  If my memory serves me correctly, cheerleading didn't go over too well with her because she didn't like sweating.  

This should be interesting!


YES I'm late, but today, I'm ready to announce the winner of the Fiber One 90 Calorie Giveaway!

Are you ready???

The Winner Is.


Congrats to you!  Contact me with your mailing information so that I can get your prize out to you!
Thank you to all who participated!



Kristin said...

Congrats on making the dean's list! :)

Marina at My Busy Children said...

How exciting! Thanks so much. I will email you right away!