Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tell It Like It T-I-Z Tuesday: Tea Party Rep Forwards a "Racist" Email.

How could she not know?

Tea Party Activist and Orange County Republican Representative, Marilyn Davenport, is pulling out all the stops to elude the title of "Racist"  that could very well be given to her by "The People".  She says that she was unaware that an email she forwarded to friends and fellow Orange County GOP committee representatives with a picture of a family of apes and Obama's face Photoshopped to the baby ape's face would be considered offensive.  

Well, Marilyn, not only was it offensive to the President of the United States, but it was offensive the every African American that walks or has walked the Earth.  The mere fact that she says she didn't know is appalling.  Based of her apparent age, she has lived through the fight of Civil Rights.  She has lived through the 60's and could not have been oblivious to the constant comparison of African Americans to monkeys.  

The GOP is asking that Mrs. Davenport resigns from her position, which, based on an article from NYDaily News.com, she is refusing to do. 

Now, while I am not surprised that this behavior goes on in personal emails, I am surprised by Mrs. Davenports, half-hearted apology for her actions, saying that it was a joke and "much a do about nothing."

Indeed, Mrs. Davenport, for the African American community, this is SOMETHING!

She went on in her initial apology to say that she was sorry if she offended anyone.  She wrote IF which says that she had not taken ownership of her actions and did not see her actions as being offensive.

According to Anderson Cooper 360's report last night, this was the rest of her "apology".

She goes on, I simply found it amusing regarding the character of obama and all the questions surrounding the origin of his birth.
In no way, she continues, did i even consider the fact that he's half black when I sent out the e-mail.
In fact, the thought never even entered my mind until one or two other people tried to make this about race.
She closes by claiming a double standard that applies regarding this president and that there was no media outcry about george w. bush e-mails.

This isn't the firs time a Republican Rep has comment about the Obama's and monkeys.  If you remember this post, where I quoted GOP activist, Rusty DePass posting on FB saying,  "I'm sure it's one of Michelle's ancestors - probably harmless.", after a Gorilla had escaped from a South Carolina zoo. 

While I can almost understand finding humor on your personal emails, I am not accepting of Mrs. Davenport's lack of concern for the American People... I say AMERICA and not African American because this is offensive to us all and sends America BACK in it's quest to find equality!


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