Monday, April 30, 2012

Huachuca has taught me something

A year ago, I would have never thought I'd be able to stomach the idea of staying in Fort Huachuca after retirement.  I year ago, when you asked, "So where are you going to go when Chris retires?"  I would have surely answered with, "GEORGIA, of course!"  And I would have given you the crazy DUH-look!, I mean because, who would want to stay in the deserts??

There are only five months left until retirement.  

I have to pause to take that in because I can't believe retirements is really right around the corner.  But it is.  And it's so strange to me that it's so close.

I mean, I'm just getting started as a "real" Army Wife.  

Before now, we've never lived on post and I've never been in the mix of Military Spouses, knowing how they are, what they do, what they think.  This has been a real eye-opening experience for me.  I find myself drawn to helping spouses become better spouses.  I find myself drawn to wanting to make sure people have the information they need for every situation.  I'm learning what all the Military has available for spouses and I want to teach what I'm learning to others.

I have always been involved.  You all know how much time I've spent in the kids classes over the years, but now, I want to be involved with helping spouses get a positive outlook on the Military life.  I know I've heard so many times about how the Military doesn't care about the families.  Not long ago, you would have found me co-signing on that statement.  

My experience started with being a co-leader for the FRG (Family Readiness Group) in Georgia.  Although the group was small and many women at our level didn't feel they needed the FRG for support during the deployment, I started then realizing the togetherness of Military Spouses.

Now, don't get me wrong, living on post is not all hunky-dory! These are some of the most complaining-est chicks I've ever seen.  Calling the MP (military police) because dogs are barking outside, because kids are playing too loud in the backyards or because your neighbors kids are sticking their hands through your fence touching your dog...  REALLY!  

But some of these wives are some amazing chicks with some really big hearts.  I've met some great girls.  Some really good friends.  And my experience has change, twisted and molded my view of the Military Spouse.  

These are some STRONG women.  I love that I have found like-minded friends who see a need to share with, help and inform other spouses of what is right there and available to them.  I love that I have people who see what I see and want to help me achieve my goal.

As a spouse, on my way out, you'd think I'd have this military stuff down packed, but it's so amazing what I learn and what I have learned in the past year.  I know that I could continue to offer my help and volunteer my time once we retire, and most likely that is what I will continue to do.  

Especially since it's looking more and more like we may be in Arizona a little longer than I expected!


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Help me Win a Bottle!

Hey Girls! I love you all to pieces! Okay, not gonna keep buttering you up, but if you could go to this site and let Martha know I sent ya, I could win a free bottle of V# weight loss lil MIRACLES and YOU can request a free sample if you want. But just go to the page and let her know Kay is your girl! :-)

V3 is for Mood, Appetite,Energy with weight loss success! V3 is for Mood, Appetite,Energy with weight loss success!

I'll be your best friend! ;-)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter and Welcome Spring!

I happen to REEEEALLY like the spring.  And Easter symbolizes Spring right along with the greening trees, the warmer weather and wearing shorts!  Spring here in Ft. Huachuca is so nice!  I have to say, I will certainly miss the weather here in Arizona if nothing else!  There's little to no humidity, which means even in 100 degree temperatures, you don't sweat like you do at home.  Sure, you have to give up trees... shade... grass... long summer days...

but you don't have to fight the tons of mosquitoes, the sweat-drenched clothes just from checking the mail and the short days enjoying the sunshine.

If the weather could stay like it is in the spring the entire year 'round, I would LOVE IT.

Easter was pretty perfect as far as weather goes.  The sun was shining, but the breeze made it perfect.  When we go home from church, Cam said, "Even though we are away from family, this has turned out to be a pretty good Easter."  Even though we're on the other side of the U.S., we can still build our traditions and enjoy our holidays with our own little family unit.