Saturday, April 20, 2013

30-Day Squat Challenge FB Group

Since I've been back on the east coast, I regret to admit that I have been pretty lazy.  My workouts have been random at best.  I walk with the Hubs a few times a week, some a little longer than my feet can handle!  But, thanks to my cousin for sending me the workout, I started a FB group for a 30-day Challenge. The challenge is great, adding on more and more squats everyday and challenging your body to obtain that great tight bottom that we all want.  Check out what we do everyday.

What's fun is having people to workout with, from the comforts of your own home, having a gym partner (or a bunch of partners) to cheer you on in your triumphs every day, give you a virtual high five when you meet your daily goals and make it through the tough days with you!

The girls have been AWESOME!  I am amazed to see how many have kept up and kept pushing and are logging their progress daily.  There are new people starting ever day, so if you want to get in on the fun and join in of the 30-day Squat Challenge, join us on Facebook and ask to join the group HERE.  We're all hoping to get a Beyonce booty with this workout!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Outdoorsy Me

I think I like the outdoors more and more.  I never pegged myself for an outdoorsy type girl but I have found a lot of enjoyment in being outside hiking and running and I look forward to taking the boys fishing with their new fishing poles they received from their grandma on Easter.  I have been wanting to buy them a tent even if it's just to use in the backyard.  I saw one online at Walmart and I'm gonna get it one day.

Problem is, the Husband, who has retired from being a soldier, doesn't do camping.  Strange, huh?  Maybe, but I guess being forced to live in the elements has completely turned him off and refuses to take the kids camping.  And if you've every seen me in nature, with bugs and heat and wild animals, you KNOW I couldn't do it by myself, so it looks like camping... real camping... may not be in the cards anytime soon. 

So, for now, I simply have to enjoy the outdoors any way I can get it.  Right now, that's walking or hiking the Augusta Canal or the Grovetown Euchee Trails.  Both of these places are so serene and peaceful and gives me just enough outdoorsy stuff to scratch my itch, but not over kill that might have me running and screaming in a panic from snakes or killer rabid racoons.

Isn't this beautiful?!?