Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Time is a passin'

This summer vacation seems to be flying by.  I guess I say that because we are now only about 2 weeks away from redeployment.  I never knew a year could go by so quickly.  Well, at least it did for those of us back here on safe land.

We haven't done anything special, but the kids are spending their second week in Vacation Bible School.  Is that cheating?  Are they only supposed to go 1 week a year?  It's at a different church and they REALLY had a great time last week so I decided to put them in at a different location this week.  You can't never have enough VBS, right?  And you know what?  VBS is nothing like it was when I was a kid.  I remember it being pretty much like regular Sunday School.  We sat in a classroom discussing the bible and doing a craft.  They are outside, eating dinner, singing songs, doing cool crafts and having a good ole time.

So do I feel guilty about taking them twice?  Eh maybe a tiny bit, but certainly not enough to not take them!

The time is winding down and I have done absolutely nothing this year to improve on the house or in preparation of Hub's return.  I feel like a lazy bum because I had all intentions of painting a room, making some curtains, SOMETHING!  But life seemed to have gotten in the way and nothing happened. 

Oh well.  I'm thinking that he will just be so glad to be out of the desert that he won't care if they house is a bit out of order!  Ya think?

Okay, so I started my classes at Kaplan Online and I am loving it!  I am really excited to be back in school and doing something to secure myself a brighter future. 

Cam is my little academic coach.  He is so funny because when I am on the computer, he will call from the other room and say, "Mom?  Are you studying?  Because it sounds like you're on Facebook because you're typing so much.  Mom, get off Facebook and study, please!"

It's officially summer and boy do I wish I had a POOL!  I want nothing more than to be able to go in my back yard and jump into some water right now. Anybody who knows me knows that I don't do heat.  My neighbors say they never see me in the summer and the winter.  They say I only come out it he spring and the fall. 

I'm dreading having to move.  I really don't want to go to Arizona.  I like it here where I am now.  I'm comfortable and the kids are happy.  The military sure can throw a monkey wrench in your plans for your life.  I hate the fact that we have 2 years left in the military before retirement and they decide that it's time for us to move.  With 2 years left in the military, Hubs should be networking here where we have been for all of this time and looking for a job.  It is crazy because we are moving to a place that is so new to us where no one knows him and he will then have to start looking for a job from there.  He is already talking about having to stay in Arizona after retirement and trying to get a GS job in the system there before trying to transfer elsewhere.

ELSEWHERE?  Where the heck is ELSEWHERE?  

I love my county and had it all planned that this is where my kids should grow up.  The Army doesn't seem to have much care for "your" plans, huh?

OKAY, enough complaining.  I got things to do.  My time is SHORT!  I have to at least try to get this place clean.  It's gotta go on the market real soon... yet another reason to not be happy. 


Amy McMean said...

I'm sure your right, your husband will just be happy to be home and to see you and his cute kids that the house wont matter. I hear Arizona is hot, but it's a dry heat i think not all that humidity....good luck with that.

Kristin said...

Good luck with your cleaning! I bet he will just be so glad to be back home with you all!! I didn't know you were going to have to move. I hope that goes well. I know moving isn't much fun! I will be praying for it all to work out :)

KCSherri said...

I think kids can never have enough VBS! I bet the churches don't mind a bit - they like to have a good turn-out for their VBS.

I can understand that about moving - that would suck.

And Facebook? I'm glad I'm not the only one hooked! But that's funny that your child is calling you out on it!

Good luck with your classes - kudos to you!

Unknown said...

Wow! That's great that the hubs will be back soon! It has gone by quickly.

I see nothing wrong with the kids going to VBS, two weeks in a row. What is better? VBS or TV? I would think VBS!! (Plus, you can't beat the free snacks, right?)

I've looked in AZ as a possibility for relocating just because of the need to find a job. I'm just not loving areas where it's hot. It's hot here and I don't do heat like you don't do heat!

La Pixie said...

AZ is hot, thats for sure. so hot that you cant breathe outside sometimes, but I love it! in fact, some times I bask in the suffocating feeling... of course, thats only when I have cramps really badly, but whatever. AZ is awesome! shorts, flipflops, and tans 12 months a year. fantastic little hole-in-the-wall Mexican restaurants on every street!