Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Doing the happy dance with my overweight self!

Today, for the first time, my Wii Fit checked my BMI and said.......


Whoo hooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Yeah I know it's crazy, but I did just celebrate and I am doing the happy dance because for the first time since I got the thing it didn't say.....


So yes! I'm celebrating being overweight, because that's just a few fragments from obese, and as hard as I have been working this month I deserve to do the happy dance! LOL!

EDITED TO SAY: I forgot to mention that I got the best hug last night why CJ hugs me and says, "Mom, you feel smaller."

Whoooo Hoooo again!


Kristin said...

You go, girl!!! Hooray for you! :D I think I'm going to have to get one of those too!

Oh, I wanted to tell you that my oldest came home yesterday with a project they're doing for black history month. They get to pick who they want to do their project on and present it to the class. Just thought that was neat since we were talking about it on here the other day :)

I like your new blog look too!

Jessica said...

Good for you!! Keep it up.. sounds like you are doing awesome!

yonca said...

Way to go mama!I really try one of those:)

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

I know what you mean. Mine groaned and said I was obese.

I'm celebrating with you!

Mandy said...

I'm so proud of you!!!! Keep up the good work!

T.Allen said...

Congratulations! Go you!

La'Tonya Richardson said...

Keep on working girl. You can do it! Don't you just love your kids. Sometimes they can be so loving, make you want to eat them up. Other days, they can be so um... make you wish you had eaten them up!